libsaxsdocument, libsaxsimage and the saxsview applications; read, convert and view 1D and 2D-files related to Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS).
saxsview is intended as an day-to-day plotting facility for SAXS-data, as well as a convenient tool to quickly generate plots ready for publication.
![]() Click to enlarge |
svplot shows 1D-data in .dat, .int, .fit and .fir formats of the ATSAS package, the cansas .xml format (v1.0), as well as .rad and .csv files. The screenshot to the left shows a .fit (light blue line) to experimental data (dark blue filled circles). Any aspect of the plot or the curves are configurable in the respective Property Editor (here shown in the dock to the right). The file system browser on the left allows quick access to all supported files, either by drag-n-drop one or multiple files or by doubl-clicking individual entries. Plots can be printed and exported in .pdf, .ps, .svg, .png, .jpeg, .tiff or .bmp formats. |
![]() Click to enlarge |
svimage displays 2D scattering images in Crystallographic Binary Format (CBF, using CBFlib), the ESRF data format (EDF, using edfpack), the Fit2D mask-file format (MSK) and images stored in 32-bit TIFFs as created by PILATUS detectors. The screenshot to the right shows an image collected by a PILATUS-6M, which is available for download. Any aspect of the image display is configurable in the Property Editor (here shown in the dock to the right). Images can be printed and exported in .pdf, .ps, .svg, .png, .jpeg, .tiff or .bmp formats. |
The programs are based on Qt -A cross-platform application and UI framework and Qwt - Qt Plotting Widgets for Technical Applications and is thus available for Linux, MacOSX and Microsoft Windows alike.
Suggestions, bug reports and code contributions are highly welcome!
libsaxsdocument and libsaxsimage are the reading and writing workhorses of saxsview. They are meant to allow for easy integration of new 1D and 2D-file formats respectively. Further, if formats that hold similar information implement reading and writing hooks, it becomes very easy to convert between these respective formats, eventually simplifying data-transfer between programs.
External dependencies so far; version numbers indicate minimum requirements, earlier versions may work, but are not guaranteed to work. Later version are generally assumed to work:
Optional dependencies which are used if found on the build system (only if the required development packages are installed):
Dependecies less commonly found (Qwt, CBFlib, edfpack) on average systems come together with the saxsview sources.
As is, it was successfully compiled and used on Linux (32/64 bit), MacOSX 10.[5678] and Windows (i686-unknown-mingw).
Please note, depending on your installation location, e.g. /usr/local in Linux, you may need to adjust LD_LIBRARY_PATH as well.
The commands listed here are for a bash-shell on Linux. Similar commands apply for Windows or MacOSX builds:
$> tar xfz saxsview-0.2.0.tar.gz $> cd saxsview-0.2.0 $> mkdir build && cd build $> cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/where/to/install $> make $> make test # optional, check that libsaxsdocument works $> make install
The commands listed here are for a bash-shell on Linux. Similar commands apply for Windows or MacOSX builds:
$> svn co svn:// saxsview $> cd saxsview $> mkdir build && cd build $> cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/where/to/install $> make $> make test # optional, check that libsaxsdocument works $> make install
The code of the applications (svimage, svplot, ...) is licensed under GPLv3 while the libraries, libsaxsview and libsaxsdocument are licensed under the Lesser GPLv3.
The included and redistributed libraries, Qwt and CBFlib are both available under the LGPLv2.1, which is compatible to the LGPLv3, and edfpack is licensed under the LGPLv3 directly.
Last updated 2013-03-30